Commercial Gardens and Suppliers
- Atponds - (Woodbridge) Pond Supplies and information
- Ball Nurseries - a large source of plant information
- Baltimore Valley Garden Centre - Baltimore, ON
- Blue Stem Nursery - Ornamental Grasses Information only - no sales
- Blossom Hill Delphiniums and Peonies - (Peterborough)
- Burley's Gardening - (Peterborough)
- Connon Nurseries - Plants and Garden Products
- Dominion Seed House (W.H.Perron) - Supplier of Bulbs, seeds and plants
- Ferncliff Gardens - (BC) Dahlia supplier
- Florabunda Seeds - Old varieties of flowers are a specialty
- Gardens North - Supplier of Seeds
- Gardens Plus - (Peterborough) Hostas and Daylilies
- Golden Bough Tree Farm (NW of Kingston, ON) Trees grown from seed
- Green Barn Nursery - Supplier of hardy fruit trees and plants
- Griffin's Greenhouses- (Peterborough)
- Heritage Perennials - Wholesale Grower, Great source for information
- Heritage Seed and Produce - Specializing in Heritage Veggie Seeds (Westport ON)
- Humber Nurseries - (Brampton)
- Lee Valley - Great source for gardening tools and books
- Lost Horizons - (Acton) Many hard to find plants
- Mason House Gardens - Supplier of bulbs, seeds and plants
- Proven Winners Nurseries
- Ranger Greenhouses - Hastings
- Richters - Supplier of herbs - mail order and retail store
- Sheridan Nurseries
- Simply Beautiful Nurseries
- Stepables Nurseries
- Stonepath Garden Centre - Campbellford
- Trout Creek Greenhouses - Campbellford
- The AvantGarden Shop - Specializes in novel garden stuff
- Veseys - (PEI) Supplier of bulbs, seeds and plants - Mail order.
Public Gardens
- Allan Gardens - Toronto, ON
- Butchart Gardens - BC
- Ecology Park - Peterborough
- Edwards Gardens - Toronto, ON
- Montreal Botanical Gardens - Quebec
- Toronto Botanical Gardens - Toronto ON
- Reford Gardens - Quebec
- Royal Botanical Gardens - Burlington, ON
- UBC Botanical Gardens - University of British Columbia
- University of Guelph Arboretum - Guelph, ON
- Vandusen Botanical Gardens - Vancouver, BC
Private Gardens
- Meadowview Gardens - Roseneath, ON
- Quinte Botanical Gardens - Frankford, ON (North of Trenton)
- Whistling Gardens - Wilsonville, ON (South of Brantford)
Government Links
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Directory of Canadian On-Line Resources
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Directory of Canadian On-Line Resources
Specialized Groups and Societies
- American Orchid Society
- BC Iris Society
- Canadian African Violet Society
- Canadian Peony Society
- Canadian Rose Society
- Canadian Wildlife Federation -Get certified as a wildlife-friendly habitat
- International Clematis Society
- Ontario Daylily Society
- Ontario Delphinium Club
- Ontario Horticultural Societies
- Ontario Hosta Society
- Ontario Regional Lily Society
- Ontario Rock Gardening Society
- Orchid Society of the Royal Botanical Gardens
- Southern Ontario Orchid Society